Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs – European Exchange Programme

Are you a (prospective) entrepreneur and interested in European cooperation? Then join the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs exchange programme!

As a prospective or unexperienced entrepreneur you will go abroad to another European country. As an experienced entrepreneur you will take in a young entrepreneur in your company.

  • You are considered a young or new entrepreneur if you have less than 3 years’ experience in managing your own company. In this case you can go to an experienced entrepreneur in another European country for one to six months. You will receive financial support for that period.
  • You are one of the host entrepreneurs if you have been running a small or medium-sized business for 3 years or more. In this case, a young entrepreneur will join your company. There are no salaries or other costs for you as a host entrepreneur.


In any case, you can benefit from the cross-border, intercultural cooperation because you

  • get new perspectives,
  • can expand your network to other countries
  • implement the project, for which you lack the time or the knowledge,
  • learn what is important when managing your own company,
  • can improve your own competences and skills.


BUPNET GmbH as your local contact point supports you in the application process, the selection of a suitable partner company, administrative as well as financial questions before and during your exchange.

You can find further information about the programme on our dedicated subpage.