Angebote & Projekte
EU-/Internationale Projekte
Stop Lies About Climate Change
In recent years, significant progress has been made in understanding climate change, its causes and consequences, but there is also a huge flow of misinformation designed to confuse the public and generate doubt about the existence of climate change. Media and social media became the vehicle of the main fake news. The majority of youngsters are becoming more aware of the climate crises and consider the fight against climate chance a crucial task to address. They will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to counter climate myths with scientific facts. This enables them to spread truthful information and attitudes about our climate among older people.
EU-/Internationale Projekte
Bridge the Digital Grey Divide – BG2D - Abschlusstreffen
Nach einer durch die Pandemie bedingten Verlängerung und einer Pause in der Zwischenzeit geht das Projekt BG2D nun langsam zu Ende. Das finale Treffen ist für den 29.09.2021 geplant. Es wurden einige vorbildliche Vorgehensweisen zur Verringerung der digitalen Kluft für Senioren gefunden, und das Weißbuch wird im Moment zusammengestellt. Durch die Covid-19 Situation hat sich auch der Blick auf die Vermittlung von digitalen Kenntnissen für Senioren deutlich geändert - es gibt einen erhöhten Bedarf und stark erhöhte Aufmerksamkeit für diese Problematik.
EU-/Internationale Projekte
The pandemic of COVID-19 has a significant impact on the mental health of the European population. Social restrictions, a sense of uncertainty for the future and the spread of terrifying news have affected youth, increasing their level of anxiety, stress and depression. In particular, youth living with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and other mental health disorders experienced a greater increase of anxiety because of an abrupt change in their daily routine, the difficulty of access to therapy and special education services. In most cases, parents have become their only caregivers.