Angebote & Projekte

  • Trainings for refugees, Weiterbildungen für Arbeitsuchende
    MuTiG kompakt 2023-1 für Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund

    Teilzeitfortbildung in Göttingen 30.01.2023 bis 23.03.2023, Mo-Do 08.30-12.45 Uhr inklusive individueller Betreuung

  • EU-/Internationale Projekte
    Environmental Sustainability and Green Entrepreneurship Competence-Building in Kindergartens

    Green GUARDens is an Erasmus Plus project which targets kindergarten teachers and their students (3.5 to 6 years old), including those who are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing (DHH). The urgency of global climate change requires the redefinition of interdisciplinary educational goals and contents in school curricula related to green entrepreneurship education and sustainable development.

  • EU-/Internationale Projekte
    Growing into Eco-concious Adults

    With the increasing threats posed by environmental challenges such as global warming, pollution, urbanization, deforestation, and biodiversity loss, the need to raise awareness about these issues has become more urgent than ever. Adult education plays a critical role in preparing citizens for the future and encouraging them to take responsibility for protecting the communities they live in, in response to these global challenges.

  • Weiterbildungen für Beschäftigte

    Wissen und Erfahrung weitergeben, Pflegeschüler/innen ausbilden Fortbildung in Bad Bevensen

  • Weiterbildungen für Arbeitsuchende
    Projektmanagement mit Abschluss IPMA Level D

    Fortbildung für Akademiker*innen in Göttingen 21.11.2022 bis 27.02.2023, mit Praktikum bis 05.06.2023 60% Präsenzunterricht, 40% Onlineseminar und Projektarbeit

  • Trainings for refugees, Weiterbildungen für Arbeitsuchende
    MuTiG kompakt 2022-2 für Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund

    Teilzeitfortbildung in Göttingen 01.11.2022 bis 22.12.2022, Mo-Do 08.30-12.45 Uhr inklusive individueller Betreuung

  • Trainings for refugees, Weiterbildungen für Arbeitsuchende
    MuTiG kompakt für Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund

    Teilzeitfortbildung in Göttingen 05.09.2022 bis 01.11.2022, Mo-Do 08.30-12.45 Uhr inklusive individuellem Coaching

  • Weiterbildungen für Arbeitsuchende

    für Akademiker*innen mit und ohne Berufserfahrung 11.07.2022 bis 15.07.2022, 1 Woche, 40 Stunden zzgl. Einzelberatung

  • EU-/Internationale Projekte
    Strengthening youth entrepreneurship and innovation capital for the circular economy

    The SYnC project seeks to empower young people and youth workers by providing them with a non-formal educational framework that will unleash their creativity and will help them build innovative business ideas that are tailored to the circular economy.

  • EU-/Internationale Projekte
    EVERGREEN - Empowering VET Institutions towards Greener Initiatives

    In the face of the current climate crisis, tomorrow’s jobs require skills that meet the demands of the green and digital transformation. Investments in greening VET are considered a cornerstone of the process as they can have positive impacts on several levels: They improve the employability of workers and the productivity of enterprises as they reflect current and future labour market needs; they support sustainable lifestyles and increase awareness and motivation to develop a green culture;