
Header Bild

Mit einem interdiziplinären Team entwickelt und realisiert die BUPNET GmbH innovative Bildungs- und Beratungsprojekte auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene. Im Mittelpunkt dieser Vorhaben stehen:
• die Entwicklung und Erprobung innovativer Bildungskonzepte und -methoden
• die Arbeitsplatzsicherung und Karriereförderung von Beschäftigten sowie die Förderung der Unternehmen
• die berufliche Reintegration von Arbeitsuchenden

  • EU-/Internationale Projekte
    UPSPACE - Upcycling and Regeneration of Urban Space for Green skillls

    In today’s rapidly urbanizing world, cities face challenges such as waste accumulation, environmental degradation, and loss of green spaces. This project focuses on upcycling and regenerating urban spaces to promote sustainability, creativity, and green skills development.

  • Nationale Projekte
    Telematik im Heilmittelbereich

    Projekt zur Unterstützung von Heilmittelerbringer*innen aus Nordostniedersachsen bei der Einführung der Telematik
    gefördert aus Mitteln des Landes Niedersachsen

    Zeitraum: 01.08.2024 bis 30.09.2025

  • Nationale Projekte
    Care Transforms Work

    Ein Projekt zur Unterstützung von Unternehmen bei der Vereinbarkeit von Angehörigenpflege und Beruf in der Region Nordostniedersachsen
    gefördert aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds Plus und des Landes Niedersachsen

    Zeitraum: 01.01.2024 bis 31.07.2024

  • EU-/Internationale Projekte
    FLAG - Foreign Language Learning Gamified

    Promoting a comprehensive approach to language teaching and learning in schools

    Schools play a crucial role in shaping young minds, especially during their most formative years. With pupils spending a significant part of their day in an educational environment, schools have the potential to become places of creative thinking, inspiration and responsibility.

  • EU-/Internationale Projekte
    MIL and PRE-BUNKING approaches for Critical thinking in the education sector

    The idea behind…

    In an era of hyper-connection and continuous flow of information and news especially from digital media, vulnerability related to exposure to disinformation, fake news and risks is becoming stronger and stronger. Teachers are facing heavy difficulties in embedding novel teaching approaches that can stimulate critical thinking in their daily classes.

  • EU-/Internationale Projekte
    I-L4SH – Intergenerational Learning for Sustainable Households

    The Erasmus+ project I-L4SH addresses the urgent need for collective action on climate change. Focused on secondary education, the project integrates innovative teaching methods, emphasing intergenerational learning (IGL) and Citizen Science (CS) activities.

  • EU-/Internationale Projekte
    GBS - Green Business Seniors

    Empowering Senior citizens’ self-employment in Green Business - - to motivate older citizens for self-employment in the Green Business.

  • Nationale Projekte
    ESF Projekt: Sustainable Leadership for Women

    Ein Projekt für Führungsfrauen
    gefördert aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds Plus

    Zeitraum: 01.09.2023 bis 30.08.2025
    Durchführungsorte: Lüneburg & Stade

  • EU-/Internationale Projekte
    Environmental Sustainability and Green Entrepreneurship Competence-Building in Kindergartens

    Green GUARDens is an Erasmus Plus project which targets kindergarten teachers and their students (3.5 to 6 years old), including those who are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing (DHH). The urgency of global climate change requires the redefinition of interdisciplinary educational goals and contents in school curricula related to green entrepreneurship education and sustainable development.

  • EU-/Internationale Projekte
    Growing into Eco-concious Adults

    With the increasing threats posed by environmental challenges such as global warming, pollution, urbanization, deforestation, and biodiversity loss, the need to raise awareness about these issues has become more urgent than ever. Adult education plays a critical role in preparing citizens for the future and encouraging them to take responsibility for protecting the communities they live in, in response to these global challenges.