
Header Bild

Mit einem interdiziplinären Team entwickelt und realisiert die BUPNET GmbH innovative Bildungs- und Beratungsprojekte auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene. Im Mittelpunkt dieser Vorhaben stehen:
• die Entwicklung und Erprobung innovativer Bildungskonzepte und -methoden
• die Arbeitsplatzsicherung und Karriereförderung von Beschäftigten sowie die Förderung der Unternehmen
• die berufliche Reintegration von Arbeitsuchenden

  • EU-/Internationale Projekte
    Stop Lies About Climate Change

    In recent years, significant progress has been made in understanding climate change, its causes and consequences, but there is also a huge flow of misinformation designed to confuse the public and generate doubt about the existence of climate change. Media and social media became the vehicle of the main fake news. The majority of youngsters are becoming more aware of the climate crises and consider the fight against climate chance a crucial task to address. They will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to counter climate myths with scientific facts. This enables them to spread truthful information and attitudes about our climate among older people.

  • EU-/Internationale Projekte
    COOL - Competence Oriented Open Learning for disadvantaged adults

    21st-century challenges like digitalisation, migration, climate change and social cohesion are calling for the adoption of new approaches for learning and development. People coming from disadvantaged backgrounds are often deprived from vital climate-related knowledge due to the lack of information tailored to their needs, which may result in environmentally irresponsible behaviour.

  • EU-/Internationale Projekte
    Bridge the Digital Grey Divide – BG2D - Abschlusstreffen

    Nach einer durch die Pandemie bedingten Verlängerung und einer Pause in der Zwischenzeit geht das Projekt BG2D nun langsam zu Ende. Das finale Treffen ist für den 29.09.2021 geplant. Es wurden einige vorbildliche Vorgehensweisen zur Verringerung der digitalen Kluft für Senioren gefunden, und das Weißbuch wird im Moment zusammengestellt. Durch die Covid-19 Situation hat sich auch der Blick auf die Vermittlung von digitalen Kenntnissen für Senioren deutlich geändert - es gibt einen erhöhten Bedarf und stark erhöhte Aufmerksamkeit für diese Problematik.

  • Nationale Projekte
    Female Leadership in Digital Excellence

    Ein Projekt für Führungsfrauen in Zeiten der Digitalisierung gefördert aus Mitteln des Europäischen Sozialfonds Plus und des Landes Niedersachsen

  • EU-/Internationale Projekte

    The pandemic of COVID-19 has a significant impact on the mental health of the European population. Social restrictions, a sense of uncertainty for the future and the spread of terrifying news have affected youth, increasing their level of anxiety, stress and depression. In particular, youth living with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and other mental health disorders experienced a greater increase of anxiety because of an abrupt change in their daily routine, the difficulty of access to therapy and special education services. In most cases, parents have become their only caregivers.

  • EU-/Internationale Projekte
    DALFYS - DAta Literacy competences For Young students towards STEAM education

    We live in a tech-driven world where school plays a strategic role in preparing the younger generation to the new digital and technological society. From the schoolteachers’ point of view there are two main challenges to face: to spread relevant digital competences among learners and teachers and, to transform learning and teaching approaches in order to include data literacy competences in school curricula.

  • EU-/Internationale Projekte
    CUR8 - Critical Curation and Collaboration in Learning

    Despite the increased role of digital curation tools and platforms in the daily life of social network users, little attention has been paid to the competencies and dispositions that Educators and Trainers (and adult learners) need to develop in order to effectively use digital technologies to curate learning content for themselves and others. Adult Educators are increasingly confronted with the challenge of creating and managing digital content to enhance learning effectiveness.

  • EU-/Internationale Projekte

    The IMAGES (I Manage and Empower My Skills) project aims to support managers of third sector not-for-profit organisations to identify their skills and further development needs, and provide them with opportunities to develop their competences in a way that is useful to their organisation, as well as create opportunities to transfer their competences from one EU Member State to another.

  • EU-/Internationale Projekte
    Climate Box

    The protection of our planet will constitute a serious challenge for many years to come. Therefore, it is important to sensitize all citizens on climate change topics and provide them with an opportunity to reflect on their own personal contribution. Currently, the majority of environmental education projects and initiatives is aimed at young people and especially at pupils in primary and secondary education, whereas the number of projects addressing socio-economically disadvantaged groups of people in relation to climate awareness is alarmingly low.

  • EU-/Internationale Projekte
    My e-Start

    An increasing number of European countries is implementing online civic and commercial services to enable easier, cheaper and faster administrative operations for citizens. The future trend is obvious: the demand of such services will increase and so will the implementation by governments and businesses. Even though e-Government and e-Commerce offer many benefits, using such services requires a certain amount of digital skills and know-how, which some people lack.